Journey to The Centre of C

Hey there, feller!

Jehdi Aizon
2 min readJul 28, 2020


If you’re a student or just someone who wants to learn C well, you might be in the right place, because I’m both those things. I’ll try not to bore ya, so let’s get right into it.

So… What is this?

This series is a set of curated note articles. Where I explain and give examples, hopefully so easy to understand that if I (or we) decide to quit learning C, I (or we) could reread these and be able to get back on track in no time 🙂.

The Star Means My Love & Attention

I’ll be putting my love and attention (like creating OG diagrams made by yours truly) to these articles, so if you see an emoji (⭐) in the name, well, you know the drill, it’s premium baby!

Ok. What are we learning?

I’ll be honest. I’m no professor, but I can hug suggestions, corrections, and constructive criticism. We’re in this together.

I’ll be using K.N. King’s Second Edition, “C Programming, A Modern Approach,” 80% of the time and 2% for occasional google searching & the rest will be asking my mentor to make sure I get my facts straight.

Ok. What are we learning, though?

Well C Programming, A Modern Approach has quite the table of contents, so I’ll sum up the 27 major chapters. Get ready to scroll.

  1. Introducing C
  2. C Fundamentals
  3. Formatted Input/Output
  4. Expressions
  5. Selection Statements
  6. Loops
  7. Basic Types
  8. Arrays
  9. Functions
  10. Program
  11. Pointers
  12. Pointers And Arrays
  13. Strings
  14. The Preprocessor
  15. Writing Large programs
  16. Structures Unions, And Enumerations
  17. Advanced Uses of Pointers
  18. Declarations
  19. Program Design
  20. Low-Level Programming
  21. The Standard Library
  22. Input/Output
  23. Library Support For Numbers And Character Data
  24. Error Handling
  25. International Features
  26. Miscellaneous Library Functions
  27. Additional C99 Support For Mathematics

Ready to start? Read this guide on how to set up a Virtual Machine to learn C.


That might look overwhelming, but keep reading on, may it be a little per day or every other day, it’s better than not having read it at all 🤷‍♀️. The point is, the most fun part of learning is getting what you learn. So, if you need a break, yeah, I and we get it. Take a break but always come back because we’ll miss you!

Well, over and out. I’ll see you in the next one!

