How to Upload Photos on Typora on Windows


Jehdi Aizon
2 min readApr 2, 2021

I’ve scoured the internet for a solution and each tutorial didn’t work for me. I had to use what I learned from all those tuts and put them all into practice. And, finally. Finally 😭.

Things you need

Install picgo

npm picgo: installs picgo

Their website

npm picgo

You can see available commands by running picgo

picgo -h

Edit config.json

  1. Go to /.picgo directory
  2. On windows: C:\Users\<user>\.picgo

Tip: quick shortcut, search your username on Start searchbar

3. copy and paste the code below into config.json.

"picBed": {
"uploader": "smms", // Represents that the current default upload image bed is SM.MS,
"smms": {
"token": "" // Token obtained from
"picgoPlugins": {} // reserved for plugins

copy and paste your token in the “token”: “<paste token here>.

Check if it works

picgo commands

Throw an image in your current directory and run:

picgo upload mango.png

If successful, it will give you a link.

Configure Typora settings

Go to File > Preferences > Image

Under Image Upload Setting, Set

  • Image Uploader: Custom
  • Command: picgo upload

Click the Test Uploader.

The most helpful tutorial I found to make this tut:

